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Nano Pure Polish

The extremely foaming polish for application in the foam wall for machine vehicle care. The large-scale foam pattern and the spontaneous hydrophobicity when using the paint massage (Swingtex, brushes) make washing with Nano Pure Polish a unique experience. High-quality care components give the paint a water-repellent preservative film that protects all paint, rubber, and plastic surfaces from aggressive environmental influences. Nano Pure Polish is ideally suited for convertible roof care. The perfect surface finish, the collapsing foam and the good rinsing effect optimally prepare for drying. The surfactants contained support the self-cleaning of the washing materials. With the highly effective Nano Pure Polish, a large-area, continuous foam wall can already be generated with 10 - 15 ml product. Also suitable for biological service water treatment plants. VDA-compliant class A.
Nano Pure Polish

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Information on which containers of the product are consumer compliant is available upon request. This product may not be available in every region.

Nano Pure Polish
Mechanical washing systems
Apply by means of a dosing pump. Recommended use per vehicle: 10-15 m. Adjust foam wall via water pressure and air pressure. VDA-compliant class A. A rinsing process is required before the dryer or wax application.
Before using, check suitability and compatibility.;